Crime Mystery Author
Russ Smith
On this page I'll give updates on books, signings, and other related events.
April 2022
The Pointe System is finished and available
The Pointe System is available. This murder mystery takes place in the exclusive Detroit suburb of Grosse Pointe, a community that was restricted until the late 1960’s. Meet Albert and Rachel Green who bypassed the restrictions and bought a house on Somerset Avenue in 1952 and the established old money industrialist Crash Chandler and his family. The two families become closely linked with tragic consequences that unexpectedly occur after a decades long interdependent relationship.
I finally finished my next book: Murder at Beulah Crest
Released: September 30, 2020
Welcome to Beulah Crest, a small community overlooking beautiful Crystal Lake. People feel safe here. Nobody locks their doors. Neighbors meet at the old Mouse House in the center of the park for coffee and potluck dinners. The residents of Beulah Crest enjoy the natural beauty of Benzie County and feel lucky to have neighbors who are trusted friends.
Trust soon turns to fear and suspicion when one of the residents of Beulah Crest is found brutally murdered on the deck of a neighbor’s home. Anger and speculation spread throughout the Crest and the county when residents begin posting a mix of fact, fiction, and gossip related to the murder on the Internet.
​Meanwhile, the sheriff hinders the investigation of his own officers as he tries to pin the murder on migrant farm workers in an effort to guarantee his re-election.
Oct-Nov 2018
August 2018
Speaking on the Queen Elizabeth and Queen Mary 2
I gave a number of talks about my books, writing, and self publishing on board these great ships. Thank you passengers for the feedback on my books and for some great ideas.

The Carinthia Secret Available in Bookstores and on line.
The Carinthia Secret is now available to order at your local bookstore or from on-line retailers.

July 2018
The Carinthia Secret Cover Design Finished
Final edits are also complete and the book is in production. It will be available on-line and in bookstores in early August.

May 2018
I finished writing my next book - The Carinthia Secret.
My next book, The Carinthia Secret is now in the hands of my editor, Jasmine Cummings, who will catch all of my errors and make the book readable. I hope to have this new thriller published in late June. The story takes place on the RMS Carinthia during her first world cruise in 1925-26. Will the charming but evil Tommy Thornton be caught before he kills again?
March 2018
Readings while on the Queen Victoria
While on a crossing from Ft Lauderdale to Southampton, I conducted several readings from Table 29 and also from The Carinthia Secret. In another presentation, I shared what I learned about life on board The Carinthia in the 1920's. To learn more about the Carinthia world cruise and the ship, click on the photo.
February 2018
Local Publicity in Sun Lakes Splash Newspaper

August 2017
Table 29 - Appears in Bookstores
Bookstores can now order print versions of Table 29 from Baker & Taylor and Ingram.